Builders at Heart: Nicky Eberhardt

February 16, 2024


This article is part of our series Builders at Heart, where we highlight the passions and backgrounds of the Clark team - the things that shape us - that allow us to tackle challenges head-on, solve complex problems, and build what matters.

Meet Nicky Eberhardt, a site coordinator with Clark Construction currently working on the Howard Road Utilities and Parcel 2 Mixed-Use Development in Washington, DC. The site coordinator position is a new career development opportunity for craft team members interested in working towards a superintendent role. Learn about Nicky’s experience, his work ethic,  and why he enjoys working for Clark. 

Tell us more about yourself.

I’m from Prince George’s County, Maryland. Once I graduated high school, I enrolled in the United States Army. I’m a big sports fan, and I enjoy watching movies and learning about history.

Who has had the most influence on your life and why?

My mother. When my dad died at a young age, she was able to keep the family together. She instilled many values in me, such as the importance of working hard and always being honest. 

When did you start in the industry?

I started in 2005! I have 19 years of experience.

How long have you been with Clark?

8 years! My first position was as a laborer where I would do general cleanup and run the composite crew. My role then changed to include creating punch lists and calling and pushing work. That means I would check the status of tasks and follow up with trade contractors to make sure they completed their work.

What made you pursue a career in construction?

I enjoy the challenges presented in construction and the process of creating a building.

Tell us more about your current role.

I am Clark's representative on the jobsite. I am the only person from Clark physically present at the project, where I have workers from one trade contractor putting utilities in the ground at night. I have to make sure that my team works safely, and if there are any problems, I report them back to my boss – Larry Mundy – and to the project manager.

What do you like most about your current role?

It is a new experience that allows me to learn so much. I like that this role presents new challenges. I like having the responsibility of making sure that others on my team are safe and that I am able to build new relationships with trade contractors. 

What is your proudest accomplishment? Either personally or professionally?

Joining the Army right out of high school and making it through bootcamp. The Army taught me a lot, especially when it came to work ethic. 

What is your favorite thing about working at Clark?

I have the ability to create new relationships, which is important for our industry. Clark gives you the chance to learn new things and better yourself while also challenging you.